Prior to becoming a resident in Dean House Residential Care Home, clients are invited to visit the home with their family and friends. We endeavour to make the transition into our care home as smooth and welcoming as possible. We will have information available for you including our previous inspection reports, policies and procedures and complaints procedure.
Dean House Residential Home is a family run care home that strives to provide care based on an individual’s needs. It is firmly set in the seaside village community of East Preston in the county of West Sussex. Some of the clients who have chosen to live with us have lived and worked in the local area for many years. Other clients have moved here from other parts of West Sussex and beyond.
The service is currently registered to provide residential care to 27 older people. There are 25 bedrooms in total, 2 of which are double for couple occupancy. All rooms are en-suite and we encourage tailoring and personalising these rooms by bringing in your own belongings to create that feel of home from home..
We have developed a statement of Aims and Objectives for the service which sets out what we strive to offer everyone who chooses to live at Dean House Residential Care Home:
Aims and Objectives
● To provide a friendly, welcoming and safe place to live.
● To provide a quality of life that supports people living here to retain their independence, identity and a sense of value.
● To provide stimulation and encouragement; to offer people activities and social events that they enjoy and are meaningful to them.
● To provide physical and emotional support to the people who live here and their family and friends.
● To offer the people we support opportunities to comment on and develop the service.
● To maintain and develop close links with the community.
● To promote each person’s physical, mental and emotional health and safeguard individual rights.
● To deliver the best possible care and support to everyone who lives in Dean House Residential Care Home at all times.
We believe that the best way to meet our aims and provide the best service is to have a skilled, well trained and happy staff team. Dean House Residential Care Home is run by an experienced home manager and a team of qualified carers who are all experienced in looking after older people. This includes those with needs that require additional support and understanding such as Dementia. We take training very seriously and our carers have access to the recognised NVQ training programme as well as relevant ongoing training and support.